Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

11 Media Studies

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Tim Shipton.


Open Entry

In the captivating realm of Media Studies, students have the opportunity to explore and specialize in various specific mediums, such as social media, film, journalism, advertising, and television. In 2024, students will embark on a journey that delves into the ever-evolving landscape of technology and the pervasive influence of social media. In an era where media literacy has become crucial, this course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and critical thinking abilities to thrive in a media rich environment.

The course will dive into the development of social media, tracing its origins and examining its profound impact on society. Students will engage in critical analysis, evaluating their own personal use of this widespread technology. They will explore its benefits, drawbacks, and ethical considerations, fostering a comprehensive understanding of social media's role in shaping our lives.

Additionally, students will venture into the world of filmmaking from both analytical and production perspectives. Through analysis, they will develop a discerning eye for cinematography and visual storytelling. This exploration will enable students to gain essential creative skills, allowing them to unravel the complexities of cinematic techniques and their impact on narrative delivery. As budding filmmakers, students will have the opportunity to cultivate their own unique style, channeling their creativity and honing their storytelling abilities.

Course Overview

Term 1
The start of the course is an introduction to how we analyse media texts. A number of key techniques are identified across sound, cinematography and editing. Following this we look at a selection of great scenes from some of the worlds greatest film makers and analyse how they have used these techniques. Following this students will select their own scene from a film to de-construct how these techniques have been applied by the film makers.

We will also delve into the history and proliferation of social media. We will analyse the use of social media as a tool for good as well as looking at the more negative effects of the technology.

Following this students will learn how a screenplay is constructed. The style is the same for film, television and gaming so is applicable in a range of diverse fields. The class will look at some examples of screenplay writing and compare how a scene started off as a screenplay and developed into a complete scene in a film. Once students have understood the format of writing a screenplay they will write two of their own, short scenes.

Term 2
This term students begin to get an insight into what a media genre is and how it impacts on the type of stories that are told. This involves students looking at one specific film genre, examples of films from this genre and also beginning to write a practice essay.

Using the screenplays that students have written, they will now learn about the processes that need to happen to turn those screenplays into a completed film. Students will need to breakdown every element of their screenplay and plan as thoroughly as possible so that their words can be turned into an actual filmed sequence or scene. Once they have done all of this they will have created a blueprint document that can be used to create a scene or sequence for a film.

Term 3
The bulk of this term is dedicated to taking the blueprint that was created last term and physically making it into a scene or sequence. Students have the option of working by themselves, in a pair or in a group of three. They will physically need to find everything they need. Then they will need to work together to film all of the required footage. They will finally need to edit it all together and make it as compelling as possible for an audience to view.

During this term students will also continue their genre study. As well as understanding what determines whether or not a film belongs to a particular genre or not, they will be able to apply their analytical skills to a film of this genre and demonstrate an understanding of how effectively the elements of the genre are used by the film makers. This will lead into the senior exam week.

Term 4
This final term is dedicated to completing their genre study. Students will look at a range of examples from across the genre and get an insight into how the genre has been able to evolve and develop and change over time. While the bulk of the term is based on revision for the end of year exam, students will also be able to share their own films with the class and reflect on the challenges that are involved in film making.

Learning Areas:

Arts, English

Assessment Information

Paper Description Type Weighting
Paper 11MSD1 Scene Analysis Internal 10.00%
Paper 11MDS2 Script Writing Internal 20.00%
Paper 11MDS3 Social Media Task Internal 20.00%
Paper 11MDS4 Film Production Internal 50.00%

Media Studies 2

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

Trips $25