Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

9 English

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Katrina Larsen.

Welcome to the Tauranga Boys’ College English Department.

English is the study, use, and enjoyment of the English language and literature written in the English language.

In English, students learn to break apart the literature and language of others in order to understand the power that language has to enrich and shape their lives. 

By understanding how language works, students are then able to make good language choices in a range of areas in their own lives to achieve their goals. 

ENGLISH - How we communicate

ORAL LanguageVISUAL LanguageWRITTEN Language
Listening/SpeakingViewing/ PresentingReading/Writing
E.g., Songs, speeches, radio shows, podcastE.g., Films, music videos, Video games, posters, signs, brochuresE.g., Books, magazines, newspapers, online articles

Course Overview

Term 1
Short Text Study
Diagnostic Assessment - Basic Skills, Reading Comprehension, Formal or Creative Writing

Term 2
Extended Text (WRITTEN)
Speeches (ORAL)
Response to Text (Written)
Oral Presentation

Term 3
Film Study (VISUAL)
Visual Presentation Unit
Response to Text (Film)
Visual Presentation

Term 4
Exam Revision
EXAM - Basic Skills, Reading Comprehension, Formal Writing

Learning Areas:



10 English