Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

Athlete Development 3

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Gareth Hyett.


ADP2 preferred

You must be in a school 1st team or compete at a high level in your chosen sport. 

The Athlete Development Programme is for students who are, or will be, in a school first team or compete at a high level in their chosen sport. 

This course is made up of five periods. Two of these are strength and conditioning sessions and three theory lessons. The strength and conditioning sessions are compulsory and are a major component of this course. 

This course is by selection only. Selections are decided by Mr Hyett and Mr Marshall in conjuction with first team coaches. 

We only offer 16 Level Three NCEA Credits. This is due to the two strength and conditioning sessions per week. 

You may not study PHE3 in conjunction with ADP3.

Course Overview

Term 1
- Reviewing past sporting experiences and devising plans for the future (3.1)
- Devise strategies for a physical activity outcome (3.9)

Term 2
- Devise strategies for a physical activity outcome (3.9)
- Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others (golf) (3.2)

Term 3
- Analyse a physical skill performed by self or others (golf) (3.2)
- Evaluate the effectiveness of a performance improvement programme (3.3)

Term 4
- Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting (3.4)

Learning Areas:

Physical Education

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$75 ADP fee (service fee)