This course requires 2 options.
Drama 3
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Brendon Weatherley.
• Research, analyse, and critically evaluate how drama, including New Zealand drama, interprets, records, or challenges social and cultural discourse.
• Research, analyse and integrate elements, techniques, conventions, and technologies in dramatic forms for specific purposes.
• Research, critically valuate, and refine ideas to create original drama work.
• Analyse, rehearse, and perform works in a range of dramatic forms, assuming a variety of artistic or technical responsibilities.
• Reflect on and critically evaluate a wide range of works and performances.
An example of credits available is listed below.
Course Overview
Term 1
Students will workshop extracts from absurdist theatre, with a focus on Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and Eugene Ionesco's The Chairs. They are encouraged to explore creative ways to stage extracts, drawing upon an understanding of the theorist, or theatre form informing the extract. They will then decide on a piece they will prepare for assessment. Students will develop skills in use of voice, body, space, and movement to bring alive these extracts.
A.S. 91512 Drama 3.1 - Interpret scripted text to integrate drama techniques in performance
Term 2
Creating Devised theatre through the lens of a practitioner. Students are exposed to a number of practical workshops on various theatre forms, and will develop an understanding of how a practitioner's theory can influence style and content. For example, students create scenes which depict a political message, drawing on Brechtian conventions, after looking at Banksy's art. Or, after reading war stories as a stimulus, students create scenes on PTSD, using conventions of Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty. The final piece is assessed against both the Devising and Theatre Form standard.
A.S. 91513 v2 Drama 3.2 - Devise and perform a drama to realise a concept
A.S. 91515 v2 Drama 3.4 - Select and use complex performance skills associated with a drama form or period
Term 3
Contemporary Theatre. Students will rehearse an ensemble piece of contemporary theatre to be chosen by the class, studying the playwright's intentions and themes within the play, culminating in a substantial acting role performance. Each student will take on a significant role and perform in front of a live audience. The direction and creative vision for these pieces will be guided by the teacher.
A.S. 91517 Drama 3.6 - Perform a substantial acting role in a significant production
Term 4
Optional: Entry to the External Examination in discussion with the teacher.
Optional: Scholarship preparation
Optional: A.S. 91518 Drama 3.7 - Demonstrate understanding of live drama performance
To prepare for this exam the class will attend a live performance in August.
Open - DRA2 preferred
This course is not just for students who want to pursue a career in theatre, or film. The personable and presentation skills that will be honed during the year would benefit students going into any industry. Students in this course become confident, articulate communicators, who are excellent team players.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Drama 3.1 - Interpret scripted text to integrate drama techniques in performance
Drama 3.2 - Devise and perform a drama to realise a concept
Drama 3.4 - Select and use complex performance skills associated with a drama form or period
Drama 3.6 - Perform a substantial acting role in a significant production
Drama 3.7 - Demonstrate understanding of live drama performance
Approved subject for University Entrance
Number of credits that can be used for overall endorsement: 22
Only students engaged in learning and achievement derived from Te Marautanga o Aotearoa are eligible to be awarded these subjects as part of the requirement for 14 credits in each of three subjects.