10 Mathematics

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Damien Galvan.

This course is based on the NZ Curriculum Levels 3, 4 and 5 (CL3/4/5). This course aims to develop Mathematical thinking, improve numeracy applications and enhance problem-solving strategies.

There are many important links between Mathematics and the world around us. We aim to engage learning and progression so students can see these links for themselves.

Number - the basic life skills of budgeting, wealth, and purchasing.

Algebra - creating code and formula to find solutions.

Geometry - shapes, and angles are everywhere.

Probability - discovering the various possible outcomes.

Measurement - applying Number skills to practical problems.

Statistics - using data to make informed choices.

GEOMETRY - shapes, and angles are everywhere.

PROBABILITY - discovering the various possible outcomes.MEASUREMENT -  applying Number skills to practical problems.

NUMBER - the basic life skills of budgeting, wealth, and purchasing.STATISTICS - understanding the world around you through data.

Course Overview

Term 1
The focus of this term is to develop an understanding of the Number strand at curriculum level 3,4 and 5.

Skills taught in term 1 include 'basic facts' (add, subtract, multiply and divide), 'whole number strategies' (factors and multiples) and special numbers (prime and square numbers). Students then move on to learning 'parts of a whole' (ordering and rounding) and finally use 'integers' to solve problems before progressing to the use of decimals, fractions and percentages. Students will learn about ordering and understanding equivalency, finding 'part of a whole' and percentage changes.

The second half of the term focuses on the Measurement are 'fixed' (perimeter, area and volume) and 'changing' (time and rates).

End of term test will focus on all concepts taught.

Term 2
The focus of this term is to develop an understanding of how to apply numeracy to everyday situations. Students who qualify will sit the NCEA Numeracy Co-requisite halfway through the term.

The second half of the term will focus on Algebra strands at curriculum level 3,4 and 5. The primary focus will be on algebraic expressions (simplifying) and equations (substitution into a formula) and how these relate to the Number and Measurement strands from Term 1.

End of term test will focus on all concepts taught.

Term 3
The focus of this term is to develop a greater understanding of the Algebra and Geometry strands at curriculum level 3,4 and 5. In Algebra students will build on their understanding of substituting into a formula and solving linear equations. Students will then focus on 'patterns' which involves co-ordinates and linear graphs.

The second half of the term learning is based on Geometric concepts and reasoning. This will include the construction of angles and shapes.

End of term test will focus on all concepts taught.

Term 4
The focus of this term is to develop an understanding of the Probability and Statistics strands at curriculum level 3,4 and 5. Statistics will focus on an introduction to the 'statistical cycle'.

Toward the end of the term, a 2-hour examination will be held. This will cover all strands taught throughout the year. Combined results from Term test and the Examination will be used for student placement at Year 11 (NCEA Level 1).


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