Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

9 Food Technology

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Natasha Peddle.

This option involves two practical and three theory lessons per week. The course covers food safety, food hygiene and meal planning. The course has a strong focus on developing practical skills and encouraging students to be creative when cooking. 

Course Overview

Term 1
1. Food Safety
The focus of this introductory unit is to build on Safe Food knowledge and personal hygiene practices in the kitchen. New students will learn procedures and routines and confidently be able to demonstrate their learnt skills in the foods rooms. Practical classes reinforce safe food routines covered in theory lessons.

2. Licence To Cook
Basic practical cooking skills and techniques that the students are likely to use when preparing food. To successfully complete the ongoing weekly assessment the aim is to correctly demonstrate the required skills in class successfully with teacher guidance.

3. New Zealand Culture Assignment
Research project to explore what kiwi culture means to each student and present their findings to the class. This unit will involve the students preparing and serving a traditional kiwi hangi.

Learning Areas:



10 Food Technology

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$45 - take-home components