Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

Athlete Development 2

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Gareth Hyett.


ADP1 preferred

Preference to first and second team players. 

The Athlete Development Programme is for students who may already be performing at a high level in their chosen sport(s). Students selected for this course need to be competing in either a first or second team or competing at a high level in their chosen sport. 

Students will continue on with the Athlete Development Programme which has been set up to run from year 9 -13. 

Students selected for this course will be decided by Mr Hyett and Mr Kelly.

Topics covered:    
•Anatomy & Biomechanics
•Sport performance
•Skill learning and sport psychology
•Principles and methods of training
•Monitor training programmes
•Principles of nutrition

This course offers 16 NCEA Level Two credits. 

ADP1, ADP2 and ADP3 have a theory and practical content for qualification purposes.

You may not study PHE1, PHE2 or PHE3 in conjunction with ADP1, ADP2 and ADP3.

Course Overview

Term 1
2.2 Skill Analysis - Biomechanics and Anatomy

Term 2
2.2 Skill Analysis - Biomechanics and Anatomy
2.3 Exercise Physiology - Training programme analysis

Term 3
2.3 Exercise Physiology - Training programme analysis
2.4 Performance Standard
2.8 Social Responsibility

Term 4
2.4 Performance Standard
2.8 Social Responsibility

Learning Areas:

Physical Education


Athlete Development 3, Outdoor Education 3, Physical Education 3

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$75 ADP Fee (service fee)