Tauranga Boys’ College Tauranga Boys’ College

English Extension 3

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Gary Corrigan.


You need 14 Level 2 English credits, including Merits and/or Excellences to do this course. You will need HOD approval if you have not attained this.

Extension English aims to prepare students for the rigor of academic writing. This course develops the research and critical thinking required for tertiary study. The ability to critically evaluate texts, sources, and perspectives will be gained through the exploration of both modern and traditional texts. Students will be encouraged to challenge themselves to think beyond their own experience and to recognise the place of literature as a reflection of society. Our boys will be supported in developing their own voice as well as their self-management skills.

Course Overview

Term 1
Develop an informed understanding of literature. Students will read a novel, then research what critics have said about it in order to deepen their understanding of the text.
Students will craft their first piece of fluent, coherent writing.

Term 2
Students will improve their grasp on language by engaging in one of the following units: close viewing of visual text, verbal presentation, or make connections across texts.
Students will craft a second piece of fluent, coherent writing.

Term 3
Literature study. Students will critically analyse various aspects of the class text that was read in Term 1, and strengthen their understanding of essay writing.
Students will also critically analyse unfamiliar written texts and may craft a third piece of fluent, coherent writing.

Term 4
Revision of external standards: essay writing and comprehension of unfamiliar texts.

Learning Areas:
