This course requires 2 options.
Physics - University and NZ Schol.
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Nigel Burling.
100 Level Physics paper from The Victoria University of Wellington, PHYS142 - Calculus based Physics or PHYS101 - Introduction to Physics
PHYS142 (Semester 2) covers topics in electrostatics and will also cover mechanics (circular and harmonic motion) and required math concepts (differential equations and integration).
Term 1 & 2 will cover practising exam problems, laboratory work and demonstrations relevant to Scholarship Physics.
Students that do not meet the perquisites for PHYS142 will be enrolled in PHYS101 (Semester 1) provided that they meet those prerequisites
Terms 3 & 4 will cover practising exam problems, laboratory work and demonstrations relevant to Scholarship Physics and gaining better grades for the level 3 externals.
Course Overview
Term 1
Option A - Practise of exam problems, laboratory work and demonstrations relevant to Scholarship Physics
Option B - Mechanics (energy, Newton’s laws, gravity) – Waves – Thermodynamics and required math concepts (limits, derivatives, functions)
Term 2
Oscillations, Waves and Fluid dynamics (lecturer Eric Le Ru)
The final exam will be in the last three weeks of term two (exact date determined by the University)
Term 3
OPTION A - PHYS 142 covers topics in electrostatics and magnetostatics, electric circuits and electromagnetism. It will also cover mechanics (circular and harmonic motion) and required math concepts (differential equations and integration).
OPTION B - Practise of exam problems, laboratory work and demonstrations relevant to Scholarship Physics
HOD Approval/Reccomendation
University prerequisites for PHYS142 are "Approved level of achievement in NCEA Level 3 Calculus" - This translates as "at least 12 AS credits of NCEA Level 3 Mathematics including standards AS91578 (Differentiation) and AS91579 (Integration)"
"and physics standard AS 91524 “mechanical systems” with excellence."
In reality the Course coordinator takes the HoD's recomendation into account. Those students with Merit grades are more than capable (and often) gain A grades.
University prerequisites for PHYS101 are "16 Achievement Standard credits NCEA Level 3 in Mathematics) or (12 Achievement Standard credits NCEA Level 3 Mathematics excluding the statistics standards 91580, 91581, 91582, 91583, 91584)
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
$175 paid in full before the course starts.
NB: This course is subsidised by Tauranga Boys College. If the student withdraws at any stage, you a liable for the full cost of the paper ($848).
This paper may be able to be cross credited and count towards a Bachelor degree.