List Semester Courses

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Course Code Course Name
XASDY Academic Study - Semester 1
XBSDY Academic Study - Semester 2
XAFFF Food For Flatters - Level 3 (Semester 1)
XBFFF Food For Flatters - Level 3 (Semester 2)
XZMSC Marine Science - Level 3 (Semester)
XAPAC Pacific Arts and Culture - Level 3 (S1)
XBPAC Pacific Arts and Culture - Level 3 (S2)
X2SBI Scholarship Biology (Semester 2)
X1SMC Scholarship Calculus (Semester1)
X1SCH Scholarship Chemistry (Semester1)
X2SEC Scholarship Economics (Semester 2)
X1SPY Scholarship Physics (Semester 1)
X1SMS Scholarship Statistics (Semester 1)
XASSY Scholarship Study - Semester 1
XBSSY Scholarship Study - Semester 2
XASVS Service (In-school / Community) - Semester 1
XBSVS Service (In-school / Community) - Semester 2
XASSP Social Science Practical - Level 3 (Semester 1)
XBSSP Social Science Practical - Level 3 (Semester 2)
X1UBI University Biology (Semester 1)
X2UMC University Calculus (Semester 2)
X2UCH University Chemistry (Semester 2)
X1UEC University Economics (Semester 1)
X1UPI University Philosophy (Semester 1)
X2SPI University Philosophy (Semester 2)
X2UPY University Physics (Semester 2)
X2UMS University Statistics (Semester 2)
XAVLT Vocational Literacy - Level 3 (Semester 1)
XBVLT Vocational Literacy - Level 3 (Semester 2)