Literacy and Numeracy

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·       To be awarded an NCEA at any level, students must gain L1 Numeracy and L1 Literacy.


·       Level 1 Numeracy

o   L1 Numeracy is 10 credits tagged to numeracy at Level 1 or higher.

o   The easiest way to achieve this is to gain 10 credits in Level 1 Mathematics.

o   Various other subjects (e.g. Level 1 Science) also offer standards that qualify for L1 numeracy.


·       Level 1 Literacy

o   L1 Literacy is 10 credits tagged to literacy at Level 1 or higher.

o    The easiest way to achieve this is to gain 10 credits in Level 1 English.

o   Various other subjects also offer standards that qualify for L1 Literacy.


·       Information as to which subjects and standards offer literacy and numeracy credits is available from teachers and Heads of Department, and is provided to students in their course outlines at the beginning of the year.


·       For students in Assisted Learning courses there are special Unit Standards available through LWP1 and MAA1 that qualify for literacy and numeracy.


·       Students who are placed into these courses will need to work consistently during the year to achieve literacy and numeracy.


·       To be awarded the University Entrance qualification students must gain L1 Numeracy and U.E. Literacy. Without these they will not be able to progress to tertiary education.


·       U.E. Literacy

o   U.E. Literacy is 10 credits in achievement standards tagged to literacy at Level 2 or higher.

o   5 of these credits must come from reading standards and 5 of these credits must come from writing standards.

o   The easiest way to achieve this is to gain 10 credits in Level 2 English.  Various other subjects also offer standards that qualify for U.E. literacy credits as part of their normal course.

o   If you are going into Year 13 and you do not yet have U.E literacy, you may still achieve it by gaining credits in approved L3 standards outside of the English domain.

o   You should to consult your tutor regarding your course.


·       Information as to which subjects and standards offer U.E. literacy credits is available from teachers and Heads of Department, and is provided to students in their course outlines at the beginning of the year.


·       Achieving at least 17 credits in specific L2 or L3 English standards will qualify for the ‘Academic English Language Requirement’ of the University of Auckland.