The Ultimate New Zealand Scholarship Guide for Year 13 Students Attending University in 2022
Scholarships for property or construction-related tertiary studies:
University of Waikato
The regulations and the application form can be found through the link below. It is important that all potential applicants read through, and understand, the regulations of the scholarship prior to commencing the application process.
The University of Waikato now has a new scholarship for High Performance Athletes. The University of Waikato Professional Athletes Dual-Career Scholarship is for NZ citizens and permanent residents who will be contracted as a paid professional/semi-professional sports person to a NZ-based sports franchise/organisation for the full season/competition in 2020 and who will be enrolling in an undergraduate degree at UoW. Applications close on 31st August.
More information, including the regulations can be found through the following link;
Toi Ohomai
Wanting to study in the Bay in next year? Apply for a Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology Secondary School Achiever Scholarship – two available via our school. Applications close 12 October so be in quick.
University of Victoria
Otago University
Entrance Scholarship applications are open and the majority of them close on August 15, with some closing at a later date. Students are encouraged to apply and the applications are online at When students apply they need to choose an area of study, but rest assured this area of study can be changed in future. There are some changes to our scholarships for 2019, these include: University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarships are now at a base level of around $35,000 which reflects the Government’s fees free policy. This covers a student’s Government’s fees free policy. This covers a student’s first year in a residential college, and $10,000 per year for years two and three, provided academic performance requirements are met. The University of Otago 150th Entrance Scholarship has been renamed to celebrate the University’s 150th anniversary in 2019. These scholarships have a standard of value of $6000 for one year and are for academically strong students who face significant financial and life challenges in attending University. The Māori and Pacific Peoples’ Entrance Scholarships has now been separated out into Māori scholarships, and Pacific Peoples’ scholarship. Students with dual heritage may apply for either or both scholarships. Māori or indigenous Pacific students with academic ability and involvement in their communities are eligible for this award. Students will need to verify their Māori or Pacific ancestry through the eVision portal.
Residential College Applications open on 1 August. If students would like to be considered for the first round they will need to submit their applications by 30 September. A key date for you is 15 September, which is when the CCRF (Common Confidential Reference Form) is due. Remind your students it is not first come first served, so they should spend some time on their application form.
Auckland University
The following Auckland University scholarships are open for applications:
- University of Auckland Top Achiever Scholarship
- University of Auckland Māori Academic Excellence Scholarship
- University of Auckland Pacific Academic Excellence Scholarship
- University of Auckland Academic Potential Scholarship
To apply, visit:
Canterbury University
AUT – closing 1 September
AUT School Leaver Scholarships are now open
Lincoln University
Massey University
School of Music and Creative Media Production
- Commercial Music Scholarship $10,000 (closes 31 October)
- Creative Media Production Scholarship $10,000 (closes 31 October)
- Maori Scholarship $10,000 (closes 31 October)
- Pasifika Scholarship $10,000 (closes 31 October)
L’affare Photography Scholarship $5,000 x 2 (closes 1 October)
Toioho ki Apiti Maori Visual Arts Scholarship $5,000 x5 (closes 30 November)
Primary Industries Scholarships
Universities NZ Scholarships
These are Scholarships the Universities of NZ organisation are responsible for
Māori Scholarships
Useful websites for Māori scholarship information
Māori Education Trust website - find out about scholarships for Māori students
Te Puni Kōkiri website - information on scholarships for Māori studentsTe Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu website - scholarships and grants for Māori secondary and tertiary students
Kia Ora Hauora website - information on health scholarships for Māori
Pasifika Scholarships
Ministry of Education website - Pacific Islands Polynesian Education Foundation Scholarships
Other useful sites:
Moneyhub website - information about scholarships available to all school leavers
This site can be accessed free at the Tauranga Public Library, University of Waikato , Toi Ohomai,CAB - it;s worth the effort