10 Drama
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Brendon Weatherley.
An intensive course of study for those students interested in becoming more effective and confident communicators. Boys will develop audience awareness, and learn how to create scenes which are well structured with engaging characters. They will have the opportunity to explore film acting and theatre performance. Students will start to explore the changing world of theatre, recognising and using features from a range of performance contexts, including live TV, street performances, and traditional stage contexts.
Student voice: "Drama is so much fun! It's an easy way to learn - up on your feet, doing, rather than being stuck at a desk.
We do TV Sitcoms, games, dress up in costumes and heaps more."
. This course covers the following strands of the Drama Curriculum at Level 5:
- Investigate the characteristics, purposes, and function of drama in a range of contexts.
- Select and use techniques, conventions, and relevant technologies for specific drama purposes.
- Select and refine ideas to develop drama for specific purposes.
- Present and respond to drama and describe how drama combine elements, techniques, conventions, and technologies to create structure and meaning in their own and others' work.
Course Overview
Term 1
Exploring ways to evoke clever humour, through looking at modern day clowns and comedy within TV shows. Students will deconstruct Sit-Com scenes, both contemporary and older, to understand how humour is created through slapstick, facial expression, one-liners, and the archetypal characters within them. Students will present scripted scenes from a scene of their choice.
Students will research contemporary clowns from a range of ethnic backgrounds (Māori, Asian, Eastern European, Pākeha) and watch a range of performances to inspire their own devised Clowning skits.
Term 2
Elizabethan theatre - demystifying Shakespeare. Students will overcome their fear of Shakespeare by looking at some of the relateable aspects of his work, starting with Shakespearean insults. These will be used to create modern scenes using these cleverly worded put-downs. This leads on to a study and performance of fight scenes from Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Henry IV with a focus on stage fighting, projection and delivery, underpinned with appropriate gestures and movement.
Mockumentary - students will develop skills in Realism through creating a mockumentary. They will create a plot, film scenes and edit the piece to submit a final product to be shown in a class screening of their efforts.
Open Entry
Key Competencies
Relating to others
Using language, symbols, and texts
Managing self
Participating and contributing
Thinking is about using creative, critical, and metacognitive processes to make sense of information, experiences, and ideas. These processes can be applied to purposes such as developing understanding, making decisions, shaping actions, or constructing knowledge. Intellectual curiosity is at the heart of this competency.
Courses with the Skill
- 9 Spanish
- 9 Philosophy
- 9 Carving - Bone
- 9 Carving - Wood
- 9 Te Reo Māori
- 9 Māori Performing Arts
- Classical Studies 2
- 9 Science
- 9 Business Studies
- Intensive English (ESOL)
- Media Studies 3
- Māori Performing Arts 3
- Accounting 3
- Economics 3
- Business Studies 3
- Classical Studies 3
- History 3
- Japanese 3
- Spanish 3
- Outdoor Education 3
- Chemistry 3
- Wood Carving 3
- Building Related Trades 3
- Bone Carving 3
- Philosophy - University
- 11 Science
- Media Studies 2
- 11 Media Studies
- Māori Performing Arts 2
- 11 Māori Performing Arts
- Accounting 2
- 11 Accounting
- Business Studies 2
- Economics Accelerate
- English Extension 2
- Vocational Literacy 2
- 11 Pacific Studies
- 11 History
- Philosophy 2
- 11 Philosophy
- Psychology 2
- 11 Psychology
- Te Reo Māori 2
- 11 Te Reo Māori
- Japanese 2
- 11 Japanese
- Spanish 2
- 11 Spanish
- 11 Physical Education
- Outdoor Education 2
- Wood Carving 2
- 11 Wood Carving
- 11 Engineering Trades
- Bone Carving 2
- 11 Bone Carving
- 11 Practical Science
- 11 Geography
- Te Reo Māori 3
- 11 STEM
- History 2
- Economics 2
- 10 Science
- 10 Māori Performing Arts
- 10 Business Studies
- 10 Philosophy
- 10 Japanese
- 10 Carving - Bone
- 10 Carving - Wood
- 10 Product Technology
- 10 Spanish
- 10 Environmental Science
- 10 STEM
- 11 Chemistry & Physics
- Chemistry 2
- Psychology 3
- 11 Academic English (11ACE)
- Academic English (ACEG2)
- 11 Intensive English (11ESE)
- 11 Athlete Development
- 9 Drama
- 11 Drama
- Philosophy 3
- Electronics 2
- Electronics 3
- Drama 2
- English 2
- 11 Economics
Relating to others
Relating to others is about interacting effectively with a diverse range of people in a variety of contexts. This competency includes the ability to listen actively, recognise different points of view, negotiate, and share ideas.
Courses with the Skill
- 9 Spanish
- 9 Philosophy
- 9 Carving - Bone
- 9 Carving - Wood
- 9 Te Reo Māori
- 9 Māori Performing Arts
- Classical Studies 2
- 9 Science
- 9 Business Studies
- Intensive English (ESOL)
- Media Studies 3
- Māori Performing Arts 3
- Accounting 3
- Economics 3
- Business Studies 3
- Classical Studies 3
- History 3
- Japanese 3
- Outdoor Education 3
- Chemistry 3
- Wood Carving 3
- Building Related Trades 3
- Bone Carving 3
- Philosophy - University
- 11 Science
- Media Studies 2
- 11 Media Studies
- Māori Performing Arts 2
- 11 Māori Performing Arts
- Accounting 2
- 11 Accounting
- Business Studies 2
- Economics Accelerate
- English Extension 2
- Vocational Literacy 2
- 11 Pacific Studies
- 11 History
- Philosophy 2
- 11 Philosophy
- Psychology 2
- 11 Psychology
- Level 2 Applied Mathematics
- Te Reo Māori 2
- 11 Te Reo Māori
- Japanese 2
- 11 Japanese
- Spanish 2
- 11 Spanish
- 11 Physical Education
- Outdoor Education 2
- Wood Carving 2
- 11 Wood Carving
- 11 Product Technology
- 11 Building Related Trades
- 11 Engineering Trades
- Bone Carving 2
- 11 Bone Carving
- 11 Practical Science
- 11 Geography
- Te Reo Māori 3
- History 2
- Economics 2
- 10 Science
- 10 Māori Performing Arts
- 10 Business Studies
- 10 Philosophy
- 10 Japanese
- 10 Te Reo Māori
- 10 Carving - Bone
- 10 Carving - Wood
- 10 Product Technology
- 10 Spanish
- 10 Environmental Science
- 11 Chemistry & Physics
- Chemistry 2
- Psychology 3
- 11 Academic English (11ACE)
- Academic English (ACEG2)
- 11 Intensive English (11ESE)
- 11 Athlete Development
- 9 Drama
- 11 Drama
- Philosophy 3
- Drama 2
- English 2
- 11 Economics
Using language, symbols, and texts
Using language, symbols, and texts is about working with and making meaning of the codes in which knowledge is expressed. Languages and symbols are systems for representing and communicating information, experiences, and ideas. People use languages and symbols to produce texts of all kinds: written, oral/aural, and visual; informative and imaginative; informal and formal; mathematical, scientific, and technological.
Courses with the Skill
- 9 Spanish
- 9 Philosophy
- 9 Carving - Bone
- 9 Carving - Wood
- 9 Te Reo Māori
- Classical Studies 2
- 9 Science
- 9 Business Studies
- Intensive English (ESOL)
- Media Studies 3
- Māori Performing Arts 3
- Accounting 3
- Economics 3
- Business Studies 3
- Classical Studies 3
- History 3
- Japanese 3
- Spanish 3
- Chemistry 3
- Wood Carving 3
- Bone Carving 3
- Philosophy - University
- 11 Science
- Media Studies 2
- 11 Media Studies
- Māori Performing Arts 2
- 11 Māori Performing Arts
- Accounting 2
- 11 Accounting
- Business Studies 2
- Economics Accelerate
- English Extension 2
- Vocational Literacy 2
- 11 Pacific Studies
- 11 History
- Philosophy 2
- 11 Philosophy
- Psychology 2
- Te Reo Māori 2
- 11 Te Reo Māori
- Japanese 2
- 11 Japanese
- Spanish 2
- 11 Spanish
- 11 Physical Education
- Outdoor Education 2
- Wood Carving 2
- 11 Wood Carving
- Bone Carving 2
- 11 Bone Carving
- 11 Practical Science
- 11 Geography
- Te Reo Māori 3
- Economics 2
- 10 Science
- 10 Business Studies
- 10 Philosophy
- 10 Japanese
- 10 Te Reo Māori
- 10 Carving - Bone
- 10 Carving - Wood
- 10 Product Technology
- 10 Spanish
- 10 Environmental Science
- 11 Chemistry & Physics
- Chemistry 2
- Psychology 3
- 11 Academic English (11ACE)
- Academic English (ACEG2)
- 11 Intensive English (11ESE)
- 9 Drama
- 11 Drama
- Philosophy 3
- Electronics 2
- Electronics 3
- Drama 2
- English 2
- 11 Economics
Managing self
This competency is associated with self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and with students seeing themselves as capable learners. It is integral to self-assessment.
Courses with the Skill
- 9 Spanish
- 9 Philosophy
- 9 Carving - Bone
- 9 Carving - Wood
- 9 Te Reo Māori
- 9 Māori Performing Arts
- Classical Studies 2
- 9 Science
- 9 Business Studies
- Intensive English (ESOL)
- Media Studies 3
- Māori Performing Arts 3
- Accounting 3
- Economics 3
- Business Studies 3
- Classical Studies 3
- History 3
- Japanese 3
- Spanish 3
- Outdoor Education 3
- Chemistry 3
- Wood Carving 3
- Building Related Trades 3
- Bone Carving 3
- Philosophy - University
- 11 Science
- Media Studies 2
- 11 Media Studies
- Māori Performing Arts 2
- 11 Māori Performing Arts
- Accounting 2
- 11 Accounting
- Business Studies 2
- Economics Accelerate
- English Extension 2
- Vocational Literacy 2
- 11 Pacific Studies
- 11 History
- Philosophy 2
- 11 Philosophy
- Psychology 2
- 11 Psychology
- Level 2 Applied Mathematics
- Te Reo Māori 2
- 11 Te Reo Māori
- Japanese 2
- 11 Japanese
- Spanish 2
- 11 Spanish
- 11 Physical Education
- Outdoor Education 2
- Wood Carving 2
- 11 Wood Carving
- 11 Product Technology
- 11 Building Related Trades
- 11 Engineering Trades
- Bone Carving 2
- 11 Bone Carving
- 11 Practical Science
- 11 Geography
- Te Reo Māori 3
- 11 STEM
- History 2
- Economics 2
- 10 Science
- 10 Māori Performing Arts
- 10 Business Studies
- 10 Philosophy
- 10 Japanese
- 10 Te Reo Māori
- 10 Carving - Bone
- 10 Carving - Wood
- 10 Product Technology
- 10 Spanish
- 10 Environmental Science
- 10 STEM
- 11 Chemistry & Physics
- Chemistry 2
- Psychology 3
- 11 Academic English (11ACE)
- Academic English (ACEG2)
- 11 Intensive English (11ESE)
- 11 Athlete Development
- 9 Drama
- 11 Drama
- Philosophy 3
- Electronics 2
- Electronics 3
- Drama 2
- English 2
- 11 Economics
Participating and contributing
This competency is about being actively involved in communities. Communities include family, whānau, and school and those based, for example, on a common interest or culture. They may be drawn together for purposes such as learning, work, celebration, or recreation. They may be local, national, or global. This competency includes a capacity to contribute appropriately as a group member, to make connections with others, and to create opportunities for others in the group.
Courses with the Skill
- 9 Spanish
- 9 Philosophy
- 9 Carving - Bone
- 9 Carving - Wood
- 9 Te Reo Māori
- 9 Māori Performing Arts
- Classical Studies 2
- 9 Science
- 9 Business Studies
- Intensive English (ESOL)
- Media Studies 3
- Māori Performing Arts 3
- Accounting 3
- Economics 3
- Business Studies 3
- Classical Studies 3
- History 3
- Japanese 3
- Spanish 3
- Outdoor Education 3
- Chemistry 3
- Wood Carving 3
- Building Related Trades 3
- Bone Carving 3
- Philosophy - University
- 11 Science
- Media Studies 2
- 11 Media Studies
- Māori Performing Arts 2
- 11 Māori Performing Arts
- Accounting 2
- 11 Accounting
- Business Studies 2
- Economics Accelerate
- English Extension 2
- Vocational Literacy 2
- 11 Pacific Studies
- 11 History
- Philosophy 2
- 11 Philosophy
- Psychology 2
- 11 Psychology
- Level 2 Applied Mathematics
- Te Reo Māori 2
- 11 Te Reo Māori
- Japanese 2
- 11 Japanese
- Spanish 2
- 11 Spanish
- 11 Physical Education
- Outdoor Education 2
- Wood Carving 2
- 11 Wood Carving
- 11 Product Technology
- 11 Building Related Trades
- 11 Engineering Trades
- Bone Carving 2
- 11 Bone Carving
- 11 Practical Science
- 11 Geography
- Te Reo Māori 3
- 11 STEM
- History 2
- Economics 2
- 10 Science
- 10 Māori Performing Arts
- 10 Business Studies
- 10 Philosophy
- 10 Japanese
- 10 Te Reo Māori
- 10 Carving - Bone
- 10 Carving - Wood
- 10 Product Technology
- 10 Spanish
- 10 Environmental Science
- 10 STEM
- 11 Chemistry & Physics
- Chemistry 2
- Psychology 3
- 11 Academic English (11ACE)
- Academic English (ACEG2)
- 11 Intensive English (11ESE)
- 11 Athlete Development
- 9 Drama
- 11 Drama
- Philosophy 3
- Electronics 2
- Electronics 3
- Drama 2
- English 2
- 11 Economics
Courses with the Skill