This course requires 2 options.
English 2
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Jana Pretorius.
English is about developing effective communication skills, including written, spoken, and visual language. It is also about enriching our understanding of ourselves and our society by connecting with literature, history, society, and human nature. Language is vital to create understanding of ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Course Overview
Term 1
Students will undertake a general introduction to the course. Diagnostic testing will be used to identify individual needs. Learners will experience a range of text types before selecting a research focus. The skills developed in this standard will include note-taking, forming conclusions and essay structure.
Term 2
Students will learn about the conventions of different writing genres before crafting their own writing pieces. The emphasis is on using controlled written language to form convincing ideas. Students will be exposed to a wide range of literature, promoting the growth of their own language skills.
Term 3
In Term 3, students will focus on visual texts in preparation for an Internal and External assessment. Learners will analyse aspects of the film, using technical vocabulary to construct a critical essay. Senior assessment week will allow the learners to practice examination techniques and seek feedback on their learning.
Term 4
Preparation for exams will incorporate language and text analysis. Study skills will be utilised by students, with support from staff. Individuals will be empowered to develop organisation and drive, through goal setting and personal reflection.
Students should have attained a D grade or higher in Cambridge IGCSE First Language or else will need HOD approval.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Course endorsement provides recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an individual course.
Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve:
* 14 or more credits at Merit or Excellence, and
* at least 3 of these credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
For a full list of UE approved subjects, go here:
English 2.3 - Analyse significant aspects of unfamiliar written text(s) through close reading, supported by evidence
Term: 4, Week: 5
English 2.4 - Produce a selection of crafted and controlled writing
Term: 1, Week: 10
English 2.7 - Analyse significant connections across texts, supported by evidence
Term: 3, Week: 10
English 2.9 - Form developed personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence
Term: 3, Week: 10
English 2.10 - Analyse aspects of visual and/or oral text(s) through close viewing and/or listening, supported by evidence
Pathway Tags
This course enhances the opportunity to gain Literacy at NCEA Level Two and to meet the requirements for University Entrance. Trades, Armed Forces, Broadcaster, Reporter, Interpreter, Training Consultant, Librarian, Curator, Communications, Marketing Manager, Reviewer, Teacher, Editor, Lawyer, Publisher, Account Executive, Account Supervisor, Actor/actress, Administration, Administrative & Program Director, Administrative Assistant/Office Mgr., Advertising, Advertising Account Executive, Advertising Sales Representative, Announcer, Application Developer, Archivist, Area Coordinator, Assistant Account Executive, Assistant Editor/Production Editor, Associate Company Manager, Associate Director of Publicity, Associate Editor, Associate/Public Accountant, Attorney, Author, Bank Officer, Book Publisher, Bookstore manager, Broadcast Advertising Manager, Broadcasting, Business Operations Senior Planner, Buyer, Career Counselor, Certified Public Accountant, Child Care Specialist/Teacher, Columnist, Commodities Trader, Communication, Communication Skills Trainer, Communications Assistant, Community Affairs Specialist, Computer Manager/Consultant, Confidential Assistant Exec,