This course requires 2 options.

11 Physical Education

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Steve Kelly.


Physical Education encourages learners to develop:

  • knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of relevant physical activities.
  • ability to plan, perform and evaluate physical activities.
  • understanding of effective and safe performance.
  • understanding of the role of sport and physical activity in society and in the wider world.
  • excellent foundation for advanced study.
  • enjoyment of physical activity.

NB - Students may not take 11PHE in conjunction with 11ADP.

Course Overview

Term 1
Term 1: Assessment 1 (Week 7) 10%
Safety in the Outdoors - Rotorua
Listening to and following instructions
Risk assessment - People, equipment and environment
Reducing Risk & Safety Action Plans
Environmental care code & respect for the environment
Industry knowledge, safety & links to iwi.
Mountain Biking & Rafting - Practical Day Trip
Mountain Bike Times contribute to Assessment 3

Term 2
Term 2: Assessment 2 (Week 5) 20%
Interpersonal skills - Flag Football
Focus on Interpersonal skills - communication & Supporting and encouraging others.
Social Responsibility
Running a team/franchise within a competition

Term 3
Term 3: Assessment 3 (Week 10) 20%
Practical - MTB, Badminton, Pickleball

Exercise Physiology
Skill Learning

Term 4
Term 4: Assessment 4 (Week 6) 50% (End of Year Examination/Portfolio)
Biophysical Exam 50 %


Open Entry

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

$120 Outdoor Education day trip to Rotorua
- Transport to and from Rotorua
- Rafting (equipment hire and trip)
- Mountain Biking (bike and helmet hire)


Career Pathways

Key Competencies

Assessment Information

Paper Description Type Weighting
Paper 11PHE1 Safety in the Outdoors Internal 10.00%
Paper 11PHE2 Interpersonal skills Internal 20.00%
Paper 11PHE3 Practical - MTB, Badminton, Squash Internal 20.00%
Paper 11PHE4 Biophysical Exam External 50.00%